If you tend to be messy and disorganized, it might be a sign that you’re actually very intelligent. Still, though, getting organized can get rid of some unnecessary frustration and help you be a bit more productive. It can come with quite a few other benefits, as well.
But, how can you get organized? You might want to start with desk organization. It’s probably where you get all your work done and if you declutter and organize your workspace, you’ll probably be more efficient. There’s nothing like
Picking Your Workstation
The first part of optimal desk organization is, well, picking a great desk. It’s all about choosing one that fits your specific needs. Of course, it doesn’t have to be just one piece of furniture. Many paint model designers, for example, have a primary desk or table and another on the side or behind them.
If you work at your desk, and it’s where you organize most of your life, you’ll want one a bit larger than usual. Open and available space makes it easy to jump on any tasks that come your way.
Peg Boards
Having an extra monitor is fantastic. The next best thing, in terms of organization, is a peg board. Hoisting one up behind and slightly above your monitor adds another layer of organization and access to reminders. It’s a clean slate where you can access and play with a printed calendar, post-it notes, and other easily accessible physical tools. Better yet, some studies show that using pen and paper can improve
Tags and Tabs
One often undervalued strategy for better desk organization, is the use of tags and tabs. The immediate relation to these is folders and file cabinets. However, you might be surprised at how using colorful and clearly legible tabs can overhaul your desk design. Consider picking some up from TabShop and adding them to drawers, trays, individual tools, and much more. There’s not much deep science behind it, but many say it can work wonders.
Essentials at Hand
This is one of the easier desk organization tips. Whatever your setup looks like, keep only essentials at hand. This includes anything you’ll use at least once or twice a day. Anything else should sit in or on other furniture in your home. If you’re a digital artist, for example, keep your tablet and tablet pen in your desk drawer, and leave your headphones and other utilities in a shelf next to your desk.
Keep it Neutral
Finally, avoid personalization as much as possible. Sure, fun colors and unique stickers or plushies can add some pizazz to your work area. But, they often serve as a distraction more than a source of inspiration. Simple is better in this case.
Improving Desk Organization
Desk organization is paramount for optimal productivity. The foundation involves finding the right desk for your environment. You can add extras to better stay organized. This can include peg boards and tags and tabs. In terms of keeping things in order, make sure to keep all necessary tools in arms reach, and keep everything else in other areas.
Hopefully this read gave you the right desk organization tips to get started. If it did, consider taking a peek at other helpful articles on the site!