f you are reading this, you might be looking for SEO tips to rank your new website or SEO benefits for small business then bother not we will help you. Below are the 5 internet’s most essential SEO tips for you.

This blog is perfect for beginners and new website owners, and for those who are going to make digital marketing a career, this blog has it all. If you are entering in this field, these are the 5 most basic SEO tips you will hear most often. When you are ready to progress, however, consider SEO services from a trusted firm like StrategicSEOServices.com.

Before starting with the blog, here are the few points you will be covering in this blog are First, SEO tips for new website, Second, SEO tips for beginners, and Third, SEO benefits for small business. These are the most essential SEO tips one must know while starting their career in the field of digital marketing. However, there are many institutes available which offers digital marketing course in Jaipur.

5 Most Essentials SEO Tips to Rank New Website:

#1 Keyword Research and Analysis

It is one of the most important SEO tips for website to rank on Google Search or any other Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). 

It plays a very important role for website/s. SERPs pick keywords from your content to understand your article/blog/content intent, whether it is useful or not, based on that, they (SERPs) determine the website’s ranking. Therefore, proper keyword research, analysis, and proper use of keywords in content will determine your website ranking. Please keep in mind that you have to use keywords as per requirement and not just do keyword stuffing to rank your page at the top.

Keyword Stuffing means to fill your content with the same keyword with or without making any sense of the sentence or paragraph generally without. As the technology is changing thus, search engines have also modified their algorithms to find the content with good intent based on the focus keyword. 

Let’s understand this with an example – Think yourself as a reader and choose one. So, there is one website based on leather jacket and the keyword is boy’s leather jacket which is relevant to the website. However, in the content, they have used boy’s leather jacket multiple times and the content is not making any sense.

On the other hand, there is another website which is also selling leather jacket with the same focus keyword as the first one, but in this content, they have used the keyword only 8 times and Every time they used it, the sentence is making sense.

So, what will you choose the first website or the second? Second right, and this is how the SERPs have evolved now to give you the best results.

Some of the tools for keyword research and analysis are Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, MOZ, SEMrush, Keywordtool.io and many more.

#2 Content Writing

Content Writing is one of the major SEO tips to rank your website. However, content is the primary reason because of that search started at SERPs. As you will search on any search engines, you will find pages with only words, very few photos and 1 or 2 videos if possible. As you have read above that how many keywords are important. Therefore, if they are placed properly in the content. The quality of the content increases many folds, intent gets clear, because of this search engine easily ranks your website.

While writing quality content, you must know few things, and that are: 

  1. Plagiarism free content – your content must not be similar to another’s content,
  2. Grammatically correct – The content must have no grammatical mistakes as it is going in front of millions of people,
  3. 3. Search Engine Optimized – There are few guidelines by Google, and while we write content. We should follow them to make SEO friendly content for search engines (this may include: keyword placement, transition words, avoiding consecutive sentences, use of active and passive voice, etc.),
  4. 4. Focus – it means that for whom you are writing this content: is it information-based blog, consideration-based blogs or transition-based blogs.

There are Meta Description and Meta title of your post/page which is displayed on search results. It is the primary thing that a user sees. Therefore, it is the first impression with the user, so it needs to be good, attractive and engaging to bring that user to your page. It is also a part of content writing.

Search engines decide page ranking on various factors, amongst them, this is one of the essential SEO tips for beginners. Link building is important because it plays a big role in deciding the ranking by search engines. Internet is all about spreading your digital footprints on it. It is because, search engine can fetch your site and can make authoritative and can rank your website.

Why is link building important? Because without it, your page will be at the bottom of the results. It is done because by doing this, Google gets trust signal from other websites, which helps our website to rank. As higher authority the website is, the higher trust signal will be send. It is like someone affirming for you; the more trustworthy you will be, the more users affirming for you.

Link building can be done in guest posting on other websites, business listings, classifieds, social bookmarking, pdf submission, image submission, Q&A, and many more.

#4 Website Analysis

After all the above activities, you need to check whether the search engine is recognizing your work. Therefore, if yes, you need to check at what number your website (page) is ranking, is it ranking on the same keyword or not, and how much website traffic is coming daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly. The traffic is coming from which country, what device is used, why users leave your page, and many more you can learn about this information. Briefly, it is the backbone of SEO. It is how any SEO expert measures their success and accordingly makes different strategies.

You can analyze your organic and paid campaigns, and based on it, and you can decide which campaign is working fine for you and which needs to be closed. 

You can analyze your website through many web analytic tools: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahref, SEMrush, MOZ, and many more.

#5 Marketing Strategy

After analyzing your website situation, now you can make other marketing strategies to keep the website on top, or if you are not on top, how can you improve the ranking:

  1. To boost your search engine ranking you can do On-Page SEO or more OFF-Page SEO.
  2. You can make paid marketing strategies to Improve the visitors traffic on your page.
  3. You can optimize your content or meta title and meta description to increase the rank.

In simple words, after analyzing your website’s current position, you can make different plans and strategies to boost your ranking or remain on top. This digital marketing strategy can include paid marketing, influencer marketing, video marketing and organic marketing.


These are the most practiced and result oriented SEO tips. It doesn’t matter who you are a beginner, website owner, or just started working on a new website; these SEO tips and tricks will be constant and give you results. It is a time-consuming process but trusts us, and it will be worth it.  

If you want to learn these SEO tips, you can join digital marketing courses for more in-depth knowledge and tools for better research and more ideas to rank your website.


I am Salman Ahmad an Engineer by choice, Blogger, YouTuber, and an Entrepreneur by passion. I love technology in my day to day life and loves writing Tech Articles on Latest Technology, Cyber Security, Internet Security, SEO and Digital Marketing. Blogging is my passion and I own some popular sites https://barlecoq.com/, https://geeksaroundworld.com/, https://elitesmindset.com/, https://bluegraydaily.com/, https://minibighype.com/ & https://factoryextreme.com/.

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