Did you know that around 97% of professional pest controllers dealt with bedbugs in the last year?
Bedbugs are annoying, voracious, and hard to spot. Not only that, they are notoriously difficult to get rid of. And, If not detected early, they can infest the home in a matter of months.
If you’ve been noticing some changes around the home or think something is biting you at night, it could be time to familiarize yourself with some common signs you have bed bugs.
Read on for 6 signs you could have a bed bug problem.
1. Itchy Red Spots
The first tell-tale sign of a bed bug infestation is the presence of itchy red spots on the body. Bed bug bites are usually small, red, pinprick-like welts that are itchy and irritating.
However, some people don’t react to bed bug bites at all, so don’t discount them if only one person in the household complains. Similarly, some people may react more to bed bug bites than others.
2. Strange Bite Patterns
Unlike mosquito bites, bed bug bites are easily identifiable because they are usually found in a distinctive linear or zig-zag pattern.
If you notice linear bite patterns, you should think about bed bug treatment options.
3. Musty Odors
Another warning sign for bed bugs is the presence of a new, musky odor around the home, especially in the bedroom.
Bedbugs release scents called pheromones to communicate with each other. If there are large amounts of bed bugs present in your home, you will likely pick up on the damp, earthy smell, too.
4. Small Stains on Bedding
When bed bugs bite you, a small amount of blood may be present at the feeding site. This can leave tell-tale bloodstains on your sheets and bedding.
Inspect your mattress. If you notice small, rust-colored marks and dots, it could mean you have a bed bug problem. These are left behind from the fecal matter of the pests.
5. Debris
As bed bugs grow and develop, they shed their skin. This leaves behind a small, mottled shell that is white or brown in color.
When bed bugs congregate in large numbers, these shells can become noticeable as debris in and around your bed and mattress. You should also inspect the piping of your mattress for the bed bugs’ small white eggs.
6. Disturbed Sleep
It’s not surprising that being bitten can disturb a good night’s sleep. If you are feeling restless or itchy at night, or tired during the day, bed bugs could be the culprit.
You should call an expert in general pest control to address the issue and get the rest you deserve.
Signs You Have Bed Bugs: What to Look Out For
So, those are the top 6 signs you have bed bugs.
If you notice any or all of these signs around the home, it is in your best interest to act now and call a professional pest controller to conduct a survey.
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