If you want the best chance at properly preparing your portable sawmill and Alaskan mill rails for a higher production then you need to accept some things that will need to change. You will not up your production if you cannot make changes to your routine. Here are three things to consider that can help you up the numbers if you make the adjustments mentioned.
Choose the right blade
It pays off to invest in decent sharp, fast production blades for your Alaskan mill USA. You will want blades that can handle green logs, hard knots, seasoned logs, frozen cants, and even hardwoods. When you invest in better production blades they will not only help speed up production they will last longer and some you can even re-sharpen to extend their life further.
A lot of sawyers find that just the step of moving to better quality and sharper blades helps boost production. Some even say it can as much as double what they can cut. It also means you need to replace blades less often and make repairs less often which also helps matters. When you are looking at your blade options for your portable sawmill, think carefully about what your cost to savings will be. While it is true the sharper higher quality blades cost more over time the blade will pay for itself in the improved production and saved time.
Have the correct alignment
It is very important to pay attention to the alignment as it can move out of place and that can affect not just the cuts but also how long it takes to cut. If the band wheels vertical alignment is off the blade can move up or down and you might start seeing cuts that are jumpy or wavy. Rather than blaming a shoddy blade check the alignment and correct it if it is not right. That could help you up your production a bit just with that.
Properly look after your blade
It is crucial when you are the owner of an Alaskan mill USA, that you look after the blades to get the most out of them. This means setting and flattening the blades when appropriate and sharpening as needed. Be sure to use a sweep grind style sharpener rather than the plunge style sharpener. The former ensures each tooth on the blade is ground to equal heights for precise cutting. Bandsaw blades are manufactured from spring steel so you need to push it beyond when it comes to setting it, so it can then spring back into position. Get a setter with a dial indicator to set each tooth the same, it can be a dual setter or single tooth setter.
Taking care of your portable mill and its Alaskan mill rails and blades is key to boosting your production numbers. Just a few tweaks and improved habits when it comes to maintenance and you can get the best out of it.