So you’re at home resting after work, watching television, and all of the sudden the room goes dark. The TV is off, one of your children is panicking, and your eyes haven’t yet adjusted. 

Now what?

Everyone experiences power outages every now and again, but not everyone really knows what to do when your power goes out. We’re here to help. Keep reading to learn a few things that you should do during a power outage.

Check Your Surroundings

Before you do anything, it’s a good idea to look around to see if this power outage is specific to your home, or if it’s widespread. Electrical problems within your own home can cause outages and this is a larger problem.

Look at your neighbor’s homes to see if they seem to have power. Are the streetlights on? Can you see lights in the homes around you? 

If everyone’s power is off, you may just have to sit and wait. The electric company is aware of the problem. If not, calling an electrician is your best bet. 

Search the Web

If it’s a local blackout, look online for any information available. Often, power companies will post about the outage and give you an estimate of how long it will take to get everything running again. Checking online stops the phone lines from getting overwhelmed. 

If you need an electrician, search the web for electricians that work nearby. If you need help right away, you need an emergency electrician. 

Bring Out the Flashlights

Once you have that squared away, you have to start adapting. That’s right, it’s time to bring out some lights.

You could bring out your candles, but if you’re not careful, this can turn into a fire hazard (especially if you have pets or children). Instead, look for flashlights and lanterns. Bonus tip: keep a lantern at home that you don’t need standard batteries to operate. 

Give every person a flashlight and set lanterns up in every room that needs light. 

Use Your Backup Generator

If you’ve thought ahead, you already have a backup generator. This will tide you over until the power company comes through and fixes your problem. 

Most backup generators are quick to install as long as you get a qualified generator installation expert. You won’t have to worry about missing out on work, skipping study time, or dealing with cold temperatures.

Resist the Urge to Snack

Even if the power goes out around mealtime, do your best to avoid snacking on anything that’s in the refrigerator. 

During a short-term outage with a clear ending time, this isn’t a large problem. If you don’t know how long the outage will last, however, you can’t open the fridge or freezer.

When the electricity goes out, the fridge is no longer on. It’s only staying cold because the doors are closed. If you let the cold air out, you’re risking ruining all of your food. 

That’s What to Do When Your Power Goes out

Figuring out what to do when your power goes out ahead of time will stop you from panicking in the future. Remember, power outages can be scary, but they’re temporary. In most situations, your power will be back on in a matter of hours.

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