Can’t seem to get your mind off of sex? Do you also want to know, “how to control sexual desire?” It may be extremely distracting if your sexual desires are all you think about all day. Having a high sex drive can be difficult to deal with whether you’re single or in a relationship. While there is no such thing as a “normal” sex drive, if it doesn’t fit with your spouse or keeps you away from doing your daily duties, you may wish to reduce it.
It’s natural to doubt your libido and wonder if your sex drive is above average, especially if your demands aren’t being satisfied, then how to control sexula desire because we don’t live in a world that seems to be totally focused on sex.
Every year, scientists, public relations professionals, and journalists create a slew of polls ostensibly revealing what the average individual thinks, feels, and acts during sex.
In the absence of tangible indicators, we frequently compare our personal sex drives to those of the people we sleep with, discuss sex with, or choose to read about.
If you don’t feel ruled by your sexual urges or ideas, having a high sex drive is usually not an issue. If you have a high sex drive and are getting all of the pleasurable sex you desire, you can be quite content!
However, if you have any of the following symptoms, you may have trouble with your high sex drive:
- You will never be satisfied, regardless of how much sex or masturbation you have.
- You are unable to obtain the quantity or type of sex that you desire.
- You’re bothered or embarrassed by persistent fantasies.
- You routinely put your work, social life, and sleep time on hold for your sexual excursions.
- You have aching genitals as a result of too much sex or masturbation.
- You are prone to seeking out unpleasant or dangerous sexual encounters.
- You’re upset that your desire for sexual fulfilment is preventing you from having a relationship.
You can consult with sexologist in Delhi to discuss about your high sex desire and other issues.
Those close to you may struggle with your out-of-control sexuality and think how to control your seaxual desire. You may believe you’re alright, but your job, partner, or friends may suspect you’re wasting too much time on sex. These individuals either don’t get you or you’re oblivious to your sex issues.
How To Lower The Urge?
If you’re worried about having an excessive sex urge, try the following suggestions that are provided by the Sexologist in Noida:
1. Have a Conversation About it
If you’re unhappy with your sex life for any reason, talking therapy can help you unload and explore your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and desires about sex, love, relationships, and beyond. Identifying what you want out of life in general and then devising practical strategies to achieve it can help you feel more in control and less at the mercy of your desires.
2. Put a Stop to Your Desires
When sexologist ask sexually compulsive clients if they’ve ever ignored a sexual urge – whether it’s masturbating in the office loos or scheduling an appointment with a sex worker – they almost always reply no. It can be a revelation to realise that sexual impulses, like appetites for cigarettes or sweets, pass if not fueled by yearning thoughts or behaviours.
Here are a few things you can do if you become aroused and wish to resist your urges:
- Try doing some mental gymnastics, such as practising your 26 times table.
- Concentrate on something else; look around for squares or anything blue.
- Refer to a list you’ve written of how wonderful your partner is or what you’ll gain if you don’t act out.
3. Focus Your Energy
Channeling one’s sexual energy into something else can provide a lot of relaxation, pleasure, and pride for some people. This could be something artistic, physical, exciting, or spiritual. Long distance running, dancing, learning to play the guitar, abseiling, DIY, cooking, yoga, and Tantra are all popular activities.
4. Focus on Locating Pleasurable Sex
High sex desires can be especially debilitating for those who are having difficulty finding sexual partners. Sexologist in Noida working with such clients to help them gain confidence, improve their interpersonal skills (such as being open, curious, and complimentary without coming across as creepy), find new ways to meet potential sexual partners (for example, online, on courses, or at MeetUp events), and learn new ways to have sex with someone they care about, which usually entails embracing the wonderful realities of non-pornifie sex.
5. Work on Your Relationship Problems
In monogamous relationships, certain high-sex-drive people constantly beg their partners for sex. This is poor etiquette. It’s not sexy, and whether they give in or not, it can ruin whatever sexual impulses their partner has for them, because even soft tenderness is seen as a hopeful path to sex.
Sexologists in Delhi advise that sometimes it is beneficial to set aside time to connect and be intimate. They may go on a date, have a top half only make out session, or be naked without worrying about becoming aroused during these moments.
Even though the topic of sexual relationships is still a taboo in India still, it is important to have a conversation on how to control sexual desire. So that nobody in the masses feels left out and lonely regarding any sexual issue. Having a open minded conversation with the sex therapist is going to assist in many ways.