DevOps refers to the process of software development and its delivery. It targets the evolution and improvement of products at a greater velocity than those that deploy conventional software development modes. It enables a smooth and seamless collaboration between the development and operations teams to boost the ability of your company to deliver software services and applications faster than the conventional  The speed helps businesses to serve their customers better and compete with confidence in the market. 

Assessing what you stand is important 

Looking back, you will discover that teams working under Salesforce roughly come under five primary categories. Of course, each of these groups is unique, but they also have similar traits. When it comes to moving up from one level of the tier to the next, the business needs to understand and incorporate similar concepts in a fair, logical sequence. 

This is where the business should take an assessment test with experts to evaluate their Best website development company performance and where they stand in their Salesforce DevOps journey. The following factors determine where you stand in this process-

  1. The strategy you use for sandboxes 
  2. Source control 
  3. Deployment 
  4. Quality and Testing 
  5. Release management 

You can consider other factors in the assessment, but the ones listed above are the primary ones to take into account. 

Let’s take a look at them one by one 

  1. Sandbox strategy – Assess your sandbox strategy when it comes to the implementation of DevOps in your organization. Remember, Salesforce is a platform for software development, and its utility lies in the fact that it can offer sandbox environments that can tackle some of the most repetitive aspects of the software application development process like authentication, security, management of database and scheme migrations, cloud hosting, code execution and more. 

The DevOps strategyis vital when it comes to sandboxes. You still will be surprised at the number of teams that still carry out changes in the production environment and have one sandbox to use before production. If you dig in further, you will find teams using several stages like UAT, Dev integration, training, etc., before the production environment changes. Again, at the far end of the scale, you will see teams with strategies for sandboxes that are very sophisticated and complex regarding their scratch orgs as their feature branches, refresh schedules, and other complex flows. 

  1. Source control – Many software application development teams, do not have real version control for their Salesforce environments. In case they do, they are restricted to having an Ant script that runs daily in the night for backing up the metadata. Some teams often have Apex in any Git repository. However, they do not have a good method to help software admins commit to configuration metadata like custom object XML files, process builders, or workflows in the source control. 

You must note the importance of source control as it gives you the ability to roll back poor or bad changes, provide you with backup restore, avert code clobbering and bring in audit changes to the entire system. 

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With the arrival of the Salesforce DX, this source driven development has become a major subject of discussion in the Salesforce development circles. When you have a flow that is source driven for software development, it becomes a foundation layer for any Salesforce DevOps strategy. For example, a DevOps team that works with .Net or Java cannot envision any development platform without source control and often takes the above for granted that it belongs in its flow. This is similar to the oxygen needed for breathing. 

This does not imply that teams have any bad intentions. Under Salesforce, getting metadata is tough. Fortunately, there are innovative ways to get the declarative metadata and Apex into this version control.

  1. Deployment – In the past, Salesforce offered two ways to deploy changes between the environments- they were changesets and Ant scripts, but neither of them was popular. After getting adverse feedback in the market for being the most dreaded platform for software development, Salesforce came out with the Salesforce DX. This innovation was intended to offer developer teams under Salesforce a fresh set of tools to deploy for building DevOps pipelines. These tools are advanced and are being used predominantly by green field projects and other elite projects today. 
  1. Quality and Testing – Are you making functional tests or quality gates for Salesforce deployments? How you create them says a lot about where you currently stand in the DevOps journey. Every developer team might not make this a vital component for every release, but now more teams embrace this practice, and thanks to technology, it is simpler for them to do so. 

With continuous integration, you open the possibilities of continuous delivery that allows you to embrace new features for your users as soon as they get ready. This is true for fixing errors. This is also a great benefit for most developer teams under Salesforce as they can get a pipeline for releasing changes into production seamlessly. It is indeed a great winning point for such teams. 

Therefore, when you assess the above-listed factors for your organization, you are aware of where you stand in the Salesforce DevOps process. This makes it simpler for you to make informed choices regarding software development applications and services to proceed ahead in the right path. Selecting the right software is vital for all types of business as it will help you get the best results. 

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