Online shopping makes life so convenient and easy. It seems that nowadays we can get everything online – books, electronics, clothes, and even groceries can be delivered within a few days of ordering. This convenience is hard to beat, and more and more companies are trying to find ways to ship more of their products online. However, there are some things we should avoid when shopping online. There’s a reason why some medications have to be prescribed and picked up in person. The same goes for Abortion tablets in Dubai. Although you can buy it online, and there is a big push to make it even more available online, there are some serious implications that you should consider before doing so.
Here are a few things you should know before you order an abortion pill online:
It’s against FDA regulations
These regulations are in place for a reason. In order for the FDA to approve a drug for use at all, tests and evaluations must be done to show that the benefits of the drug outweigh the possible side effects.
The FDA has actually finalized a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) for the abortion pill that lays out certain conditions that must be met in order for the abortion pill to be approved.
One of these conditions is that “Mifeprex [the abortion pill] may only be dispensed in clinics, physician offices, and hospitals by or under the supervision of a certified health care provider.”
The legal implications of taking an abortion pill purchased online are unclear, but in addition to legal reasons, there are other reasons why you should not order it online.
It removes medical protection for you
There are significant potential side effects of medication-induced abortion. One of the reasons the FDA stipulates that the abortion pill should only be prescribed by a certified healthcare provider is that the side effects can be severe. They can include cramping, bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, fever, among others.
If something goes wrong or you need help, it’s better to be in touch with the person who prescribed the pill than to not know where to turn if complications arise. Of course, you can always go to the emergency room, but this can be an expensive option depending on your health insurance plan. And since ordering pills online is not legal, there are also legal concerns and implications.
You don’t have to take the abortion pill
Although lab tests conducted on several Abortion pills in Dubai online have revealed that the pills are real, many suggest that the pills contain lower doses than advertised. This means that they could be less effective, and combined with the long waiting time to be sent (more than 10 days) could pose a threat if you take the pills too late.
If the pills arrive late and the doses are not effective, this could pose a risk to you.
Self-abortion is risky because there are some side effects and sometimes complications. Removing the medical professional from the equation not only removes a needed protection for you, but it could also put you in a complicated legal situation.
There’s a reason why the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that abortion be prescribed and performed by a certified health care provider in a clinic. Ultimately, it’s for your safety and well-being.
If you are considering abortion and need more information, schedule an appointment and a free and confidential consultation today. We can provide you with accurate information about all of your options so that your decision is fully informed.