Launching a startup means a whole lot of work in a whole lot of different realms. As the visionary behind the project, you have to keep everybody excited about where your startup can go, of course. You also have more grounded, worldly problems, though. For example, you need to maintain a low cost of running the operation so that you don’t run out of funding. Maybe this means starting with a limited scope and broadening your outreach later, or negotiating a flat fee with various suppliers.
You also have to make sure that you have all the legal information you need to stay on the right side of the law. There are plenty of legal issues that would stick out to an attorney but wouldn’t even occur to a layperson. If you don’t have the right legal information, you could find yourself bogged down by court cases and settlements that are both costly and time-consuming. This is why it’s a good idea for any entrepreneur to have a reliable legal service on their side.
The good news is that legal help doesn’t have to be as expensive as you may be imagining. In fact, there are ways of getting legal advice without bankrupting your fledgling company. Curious as to how you might go about getting low-cost or free legal advice? Read on for some great tips.
An online legal service may do the trick for simple legal issues.
If you just need to draw up a waiver or a standard contract, you might be able to rely on online legal services, like Rocket Lawyer, for your legal help. Rocket Lawyer is a well-known online service that provides low-cost legal consultations and services, and it might be a good option if you don’t have anything too complex or that straddles too many areas of law.
If, however, you have the type of case that requires more personalized or detailed legal representation, you’ll want to find the right attorney, someone that you can talk to about the legal questions you have. This is also true for most entrepreneurs since you’ll likely have ongoing legal questions as you scale your business.
For more personalized legal advice, look for your local free legal clinics.
Finding the right legal representation is about more than just who has passed the state bar exam—the right attorney will take the time to delve into the details of your specific type of case or needs. Volunteer lawyers at free legal clinics are staffed by high-level lawyers who have years of experience in the practice of law. These attorneys offer free advice to folks like yourself so that you can actually speak to a person who will explain your legal rights.
The real value of an in-person attorneys free advice is about more than the lack of legal fees. You’ll essentially have access to ongoing high-quality legal advice, Monday through Thursday, despite having a low income.
Develop a relationship with an attorney you can trust.
You can’t keep a law firm or private lawyer on retainer quite yet, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get the full representation you need regardless of your income level. As a return visitor to these legal clinics, you can develop a relationship with the volunteer lawyers there. After you first meet with them, they’ll understand your specific legal problem or legal questions, and they’ll be able to offer free advice on all these topics—advice that’s tailored to your specific enterprise’s needs.
Whether you have questions about family law, legal matters pertaining to disabilities, or anything else, there are ways of getting the answers you need. From online services to legal clinics, use all the resources available to ensure that your startup is on the up and up.