Have you decided to purchase a handheld portable nebulizer? Well, before getting started there are a number of facts you need to know. This way you will be able to purchase the right nebulizer. Hence, without demanding much of your time, let us get going.

The best portable nebulizer is a piece of medical equipment which is used by an individual suffering from some respiratory condition or asthma. There are times when you cannot visit your doctor immediately. This is when you use a nebulizer.

A nebulizer is a piece of medical equipment that a person with asthma or another respiratory condition can use to administer medication directly and quickly to the lungs.

Who needs a portable nebulizer machine?

Using a portable nebulizer machine is not wrong. However, you need to know when exactly you can use it. This way you will be able to avoid unwanted issues. Below mentioned are conditions where you can use a nebulizer without having any second thoughts.

  • Bronchiectasis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Get yourself a nebulizer if you are experiencing the above mentioned conditions. In addition to this, do not forget to consult your doctor if you have any confusion. These are people who have immense knowledge and skills. They will take into account your condition and will let you know if using a nebulizer is your best bet.

How do you use the best portable nebulizer for albuterol?

Before you start using a nebulizer, a nurse or a doctor will make sure you know how the equipment works so that you do not create a problem for yourself. Basically, they will clear all your doubts and will make sure you use the nebulizer in the right manner. However, if you are getting the nebulizer from a medical store, then someone there will be explaining the same. But do remember, every nebulizer machine differs. This is why it becomes crucial to read the instructions properly. Basically, using a nebulizer is very simple. Check out the below mentioned steps to get started.

  • Firstly, it is very important to wash your hands.
  • Then make sure you add the medicine to the medicine cup, keeping in mind the instructions given by the doctor.
  • Do not forget to assemble the top piece, mouthpiece, mask, and the tubing.
  • Fix the tubing to the machine following the instructions.
  • Hold the mouthpiece and medicine cup in the upright position when using the nebulizer.
  • Take slow breaths and inhale the medicine.

Contact your doctor if you face any difficulty while using the nebulizer.


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