Instagram crossed the 1 billion users mark in 2018, and its popularity is still rapidly growing. It is no wonder that entrepreneurs want to buy Instagram followers and likes to grow their brand and to become global leaders in their industry. Rather than focusing on just one way to achieve success, other methods, too,can help influence your brand growth. Here are five practical tips entrepreneurs should consider if they want to amass a huge Instagram following.

  1. Pay Attention to your Business Profile

If you haven’t done so already, turn your IG account into a business profile to enjoy all the features. To increase engagement and interaction with your followers, write a brief brand description, post your website link, and use the action buttons. Whatever gets you recognition instantly is best to leverage. This will keep things interesting on your platform. Seeking verification for social media accounts can prove even more beneficial because it makes your brand stand out.

  1. Post on Instagram Regularly

To increase your presence on Instagram, you must post consistently. A top Instagram growth service from a professional agency can help you understand what works best for your brand. While numerous articles exist that highlight the best times to post on Instagram per day, you may tailor the strategy to your brand requirements. You can use IG Insights to determine when your audience is most active and when they will engage with your content. For instance, an online bakery store is likely to receive maximum traction in the evenings and over the weekends when people are tired and want to relax after a day of work and indulge in desserts. Make sure to factor in relevancy.

  1. Use Hashtags to your Advantage

You can increase your followers and engagement on the platform by using trending and relevant hashtags. You can even set up a hashtag that’s exclusive to your brand so that once people are familiar with your offerings, they can easily find you on Instagram. This social media platform allows you to use 30 hashtags per post. On average, you can use 4 to 5 hashtags per post, but you can certainly do more if it applies to your brand. Hashtags shouldn’t be far-fetched, so always ensure you are using relevant ones. 

  1. Work on Consistent Engagement 

IG is made to be engaging because it is a visual platform. However, it would be best if you still put in the effort for higher engagement. You can leverage user-generated content and repost what your followers have posted about your brand’s products. An excellent example is GoPro that features a different photographer every week. Build anticipation through teasers, collaborate with influencers, and post exclusive content for better interaction and engagement. Moreover, you can even buy permanent Instagram followers from a professional agency offering this service.

  1. Test, Analyze, and Make Changes

You cannot just go and buy Instagram followers and likes without considering different factors. You must constantly monitor what is working and what isn’t so you know where to focus. Look into your existing loyal followers and engagement rate. Analyze the conversions. If posting twice a week has a more significant impact, then do that. And don’t stick to posting photos only. Use IG stories, IGTV, and videos for better engagement. But don’t do it for the sake of it. If you think a long-form video is required, then use IGTV. The key is to maintain relevancy and keep measuring results. The IG algorithm is constantly changing, but monitoring the activities can help you make the right decisions.


As an entrepreneur, you are probably already overwhelmed with things to do. You can make your life easier by opting for the Instagram growth service provided by a legitimate social media agency. What makes this service unique is that experts who have years of experience identify and tailor a suitable plan for your Instagram growth. The outcome is solid results, more likes, and increased loyal followers.


I am Salman Ahmad an Engineer by choice, Blogger, YouTuber, and an Entrepreneur by passion. I love technology in my day to day life and loves writing Tech Articles on Latest Technology, Cyber Security, Internet Security, SEO and Digital Marketing. Blogging is my passion and I own some popular sites,,,, &

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