Many brides choose to have one or more flower girls in their wedding party and the girls bring charm and additional beauty to the wedding party. We would like to see more brides include ringbearers to their wedding and double the cuteness factor. Everyone loves to see the little flower girls walk down the aisle ahead of the bride. One can always hear the “oohs and aahs” when these little darlings make their grand entrance. Instead of the best man just pulling the rings out of his pocket, think of how much nicer it would be to have a little boy (or girl) walk down the aisle with the rings on a beautifully decorated pillow.

Flower girls enhance the beauty of the entire wedding, not just the wedding party. The bride can augment the color palette by dressing the girls in colors that complement the bridesmaids, the décor, and even the groomsmen’s ties. Pegeen offers flower girl dresses and ring bearer suits in over 200 colors, so it isn’t difficult to find a color, or colors, to match. As the bridesmaids, flower girls, and ringbearers walk down the aisle your guests are being introduced to the colors you have carefully chosen to set the tone and ambiance for the best day of your life. Along with the colors of the flower petals dropped in front of the bride for her grand entrance, they should see those colors throughout the reception rooms with the flowers, table centerpieces, and possibly the tablecloths and linens.

Buy: Flower girl dresses

The flower girls should wear an age-appropriate style, what may look great on a little toddler won’t necessarily work for an eight-year-old or a junior bridesmaid. Look for styles that blend and flatter every age group of your flower girls and junior bridesmaids. The same principle also applies for your ringbearers. Putting them in tuxedos is fine, but if you really want to stand out from the ordinary, dress them in the traditional look of Eton suits with knickers or shorts. The double-breasted jacket with a bow tie will let your guests know that you have exquisite taste. Choose shorts for the youngest boys and knickers for the toddlers and younger boys or girls, and pants for the oldest children. Knickers may be worn without the jacket and look great with a silk shirt or blouse and Pegeen has 200 colors for you to choose from. Yes, girls can be ring bearers too! Having a girl for a ringbearer is another thing that can set your wedding apart from the ordinary.

All the adorable children you put in the wedding party will not only make the church ceremony more memorable, but they will also light up the dance floor. It’s always fun to see the little munchkins dance with their lack of inhibitions, so make sure you choose dresses with full skirts that have that “swirl factor”.   


I am Salman Ahmad an Engineer by choice, Blogger, YouTuber, and an Entrepreneur by passion. I love technology in my day to day life and loves writing Tech Articles on Latest Technology, Cyber Security, Internet Security, SEO and Digital Marketing. Blogging is my passion and I own some popular sites,,,, &

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