Modeling and acting are some of the most sought-after careers in the world, and the odds of cutting through the crowd to crawl your way to the top is probably the lowest. In fact, statistically, people, who haven’t walked the runway till the age of 22, have already made up their mind that they will not find success.

It is quite saddening, but, at the same time, like the other industries, the modeling industry has also evolved in its own way. The good thing is, now, you do not have to be a certain way, or look a certain way to become a model. You can be whatever size, color, gender you are and still become a “successful” model. The orthodox nature of modeling is reshaping itself to become more open to a lot of aspiring models.

That being said, I know you are also one of the aspiring models looking for some ground research before you step into the industry. I have got that covered for you as well. Keep reading!

1.    A good agency to work with

This is not the only way to enter into the modeling industry but definitely one of the best ways. In your initial days, it is quite normal to be lost, in search of work, and sometimes not even know how to start. This is when a good agency can come in as a guiding light. It’s always wise to look for a credible agency in your region so that you don’t have to travel long distances every time.

For instance, someone based in Australia, should look for good modeling agencies in Australia, and not in the US. Make sure you do your own basic research before heading forward with them. Seek contacts of models who have worked with them before and ask them about their experience. Remember to not fall into the rap of any “big” offer disguised in some kind of compromise.

2.    Know what you are getting yourself into

The modeling industry is not just about good photographs that you glare at in the top magazines. Of course, that is how they present themselves to be. But in reality, modeling careers is one of the most taxing professions to be in. So, it is important to be aware of what you are getting yourself into.

In the end, no matter how good the agency, the photographer, or the client you are working for is just going to bother about sensational pictures.

This means, every now and then, you can be asked to sacrifice your morals, values, and beliefs. This also means you can be asked to cut your hair short, or colored, from time to time. You can also be asked to gain or lose a few pounds, as quickly as possible.

You can be starved in the set for over 12 hours, without even water, just so you look extra shredded and ripped in the photographs. No wonder why many models complain that they are being treated as objects and not humans.

3.    Remind yourself about your values

Every industry has both the glam side and the dark side. When you discuss the dark side of the modeling industry – let me tell you, whatever you hear about parties, drugs, people sleeping around, and casting couch are real. This does not mean everything about the industry is bad but there’s a side to it that I think you should know about.

Ambitious models often sacrifice their values to get to the top but only end up regretting at the end. I don’t want you to be one of them. Keep your values before anything else and remember, the only thing that should take you to the top is your talent, passion, and hard work.

4.    Practice makes you perfect

Practice comes before success, even in the dictionary. The modeling industry is no different. There is no secret to looking confident in your walk, but practice.

The problem is that most aspirants start practicing after they sign-up for a show or by an agency. But what they fail to understand is that you will not crack your first deal if you aren’t good enough already. To be good enough, you need practice and more practice.

5.    Good Pictures

You cannot pitch agencies empty-handed. You need to carry your photos with you, so make sure, they are as good as they can be.

Make sure these pictures don’t include any kind of photo editing, heavy makeup, and fancy hairdos. You need to show your natural face and show them how photogenic you are in front of the lenses.

That is it. Remember, the climb is hard, but it is worth it. 


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