The average winter temperature for the United States is just above freezing at 33.2 degrees Fahrenheit. With temperatures this low, it can be tempting to stay indoors all winter long, but what if you didn’t have?

Having an outdoor heater allows you access to your outdoor space no matter the time of year, but which one should you get?

Read on to learn all you need to know about the best outdoor heaters.

What Are the Benefits of an Outdoor Heater?

Not only do they allow you to be outside anytime you want to be, but it also provides a place for your friends and family to gather. While a bonfire is great in the summer, it’s simply practical in the winter, and the best outdoor heaters can make you feel like you’re right beside one.

Which Outdoor Heater Should You Get?

There are all kinds of outdoor heaters you can get — especially at — but which would be best for you? You have a few options.

Portable Heaters

Portable heaters are basically space heaters. You can travel with them, and they’re primarily for indoor use, but they work outside as well. These heaters also save you money in the long run because you can use them anywhere around your home.

They come in all different shapes and sizes, so they’re great for spaces big and small, and can heat a small outdoor gathering or a large party with everyone around.

Outdoor Heaters

Outdoor heaters are made specifically for outdoor spaces, and they tend to look like large light fixtures. You can hang them up and stand underneath them for quick warmth, or you can place them on the ground among your outdoor space.

Another upside is that learning how to use an outdoor heater is pretty easy. You usually just have to flip a switch to turn it on.

These don’t typically have to be transported inside at the end of the night and are perfect for when you want a night alone or when you have the entire family over.


Firepits are classic outdoor heaters. You can buy powered ones, small pre-fabricated ones, or you can build your own in the backyard. They can be small, and the pre-fab ones can be moved around, or they can be large and stationary.

Firepits tend to serve as the perfect gathering space for any party and are perfect for roasting food on or just sitting around with blankets and plenty of pillows.

The downside to firepits, however, is the cleanup that usually comes afterward, and the preparation that’s needed to use them if you choose to go with the inground route.

Enjoy the Outdoors This Winter

With an outdoor heater, you can enjoy the outdoors any time you please — even well into the winter months. Choosing the right one for you can be a big decision, but it’s one that’s worth it in the end and can be enjoyed by everyone in your family.

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