The popular non-hormonal contraceptive device, the Paragard IUD, has been the subject of considerable investigation in recent years. It’s because of several instances of breakages and major health issues. The device was first advertised as providing long-term, hormone-free birth control. Yet, thousands of women have reported negative experiences that have resulted in serious legal and medical issues, says MedTruth.

There needs to be added emphasis on how patients and healthcare professionals may communicate effectively. This way, users become more aware of and can reduce these hazards.

In this regard, this blog post explores the enduring problems with Paragard, looking at the dangers associated with the device. It also discusses the ongoing legal disputes without spreading misinformation about birth control.

Understanding the Pains of Paragard

The copper intrauterine device, or Paragard, releases copper ions, which poison sperm in the surrounding medium and stop fertilization. In contrast to hormonal IUDs, Paragard has a 10-year efficacy. Hence, it’s a desirable choice for women looking for long-term birth control.

Despite its effectiveness, Paragard has been linked to several grave problems. The most concerning is the device’s propensity to break upon removal, notes TorHoerman Law. The rising use of birth control has increased the prevalence of these breakages. Nevertheless, the prevalence rate is not substantial—only about 0.6%, says UW Medicine.

However, Paragard’s breakage rate is much higher than that of other IUDs. NBC News reports that there were 1,231 reports of breakage in 2023 alone, the most ever in a single year.

Such a prevalence of breakage might not be high. Yet, the health implications in the event of a breakage are disturbingly catastrophic. An FDA study showed that 80 percent of 6,000 tracked Paragard breakages since 2021 were serious. These cases were classified as medically significant.

Surgery may be necessary if a Paragard breakage results in excruciating pain upon removal. Fragments that have migrated may pierce the uterus, resulting in severe bleeding, uterine perforation, infections, and perhaps infertility.

The Persistence of the Paragard Issue

Despite the lawsuits and FDA warnings, the Paragard breakage issue persists. A surge in breakage reports late in the previous decade led to significant legal action against Teva. They are the manufacturer of Paragard, which was later acquired by CooperSurgical.

If you have suffered complications from a Paragard breakage, there is one of the reliable choices. It is seeking legal assistance from a Paragard lawyer. They can make you explain if you can sue for compensation.

A Department of Health and Human Services report deemed CooperSurgical’s reaction to breakage complaints inadequate. ABC News reports that this followed a sharp examination by the FDA in 2022. The investigation revealed flaws in the company’s protocols. As a result of the company’s lack of response to the findings, lawsuits are still pending.

The FDA has been involved, although in a significant yet restricted way. Following the 2022 inspection, the FDA released a harsh report. However, the producers of Paragard have not been subject to any public action since then. Although more inspections have been conducted, the outcomes are not accessible to the general public.

Communication Is the Only Way Out

Increased awareness and improved communication between healthcare providers and patients are essential in mitigating these risks. The approach ensures that women can make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

However, this does not have to mean that women should be denied contraception due to an exaggerated sense of danger. Healthcare providers play a crucial role in this process. They make sure patients understand the potential hazards and know what symptoms to watch for.


What are the risks associated with Paragard?

The primary risk is the device breaking during removal. This, in turn, can lead to severe complications such as excessive bleeding, perforation, and infertility. Other potential side effects are vaginal irritation, anemia, pain during sex, and backache. Also, there’s a risk of ectopic pregnancy, although this is rare.

Can Paragard IUD breakages affect future pregnancies?

Yes, if Paragard fragments cause significant damage to the uterus or other reproductive organs, it could potentially impact future pregnancies. If Paragard is removed intact, fertility returns immediately. This can allow conception soon after.

How can I report an issue with Paragard to the FDA?

If you experience problems with Paragard or believe it has caused adverse effects, report this to the FDA’s MedWatch program. You can do this online through the FDA’s website or by contacting their hotline. When submitting a report, support the team with all details regarding the incident.

What steps have been taken by the authorities regarding Paragard?

The FDA has conducted multiple inspections and issued critical reports about CooperSurgical’s handling of breakage complaints. There has also been legal action, with multiple lawsuits consolidated into a multidistrict litigation in the Northern District of Georgia.

While Paragard remains a popular contraceptive choice, the persistent issue of device breakages poses serious health risks. Enhanced communication can help women make better-informed decisions and seek prompt medical attention if problems arise.


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