Businessmen owning, running, or working in vast companies are well aware of the significant energy consumption such large premises are utilizing on a daily basis. However, no matter the title or role that you may have in a corporation when you are working in a commercial building that surely requires a lot of energy to run such vast premises and all the technological features it possesses within, you need to be more environmentally (and financially) responsible. Maximizing energy efficiency in commercial buildings signalized implementing various sustainable and workable tactics to reduce costs and upscale your eco-reputation starts with lighting. The small changes to later huge investments start with altering lighting features and enhancing overall sustainability in the entire business property by boosting lighting features. Find out how.

Embrace natural daylight

First and foremost, if you want to keep a thoughtful eye on the environment, you must embrace the power of natural light as much as possible. If possible, reconstruct the building and place floor-to-ceiling dining windows that give out plenty of natural light during the day that would enable employees to work undisrupted. Natural sunlight is the most cost-effective and efficient way to save energy use, what’s more, most businessmen have reported that after strategically placing windows and skylights they have been able to slash the buildings lighting use by a staggering 42%.

The power of LED lights

When aiming to improve lighting efficiency in commercial buildings, especially in large industrial buildings, the key to reducing electric bills and minimizing carbon footprint is to switch to LED lighting systems. First, commercial buildings must assess the energy use daily to know how much and what type of LED light you might need to use. Depending on the type of your commercial business, there are plenty of benefits to buying quality commercial LED flood lights for your business. For instance, LED flood lights consume utterly less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs plus they have an amazing longevity feature as they can enlight large premises without significant electrical usage. Switching to LED lighting technology in commercial buildings exudes longevity and energy saving which will enable you to switch funds to other investments.

Smart sensor lighting options

A myriad of benefits fall upon using LED lighting systems in commercial buildings, and one is connected to effectively controlling the brightness, usage, and color temperature. By installing smart LED lighting systems that automatically control lighting usage, you will not only advance the visual comfort for your employees but also minimize wastage and maximize occupancy. With such cutting-edge automated features that also enable users to dim the light or go for bi-level sensory switching, you will vastly save costs and spruce up the working ambient with adequate lighting. In addition, choosing modern eco-friendly sensory LED lighting systems limits excessive illumination and prevents unnecessary energy consumption that significantly contributes to energy conservation.

Put focus on high-use areas

Optimize the lighting usage by targeting high-trafficked areas that are regularly used in the commercial building. This includes a parking area, building entrances, hallways, canteens and similar. If you were to focus on switching to smart lighting features in high-use areas and switch off the lights where employees are not spending plenty of time, you would significantly boost energy savings from lighting. Prioritize switching to eco-friendly light solutions firstly in the parts of the commercial buildings that are used the most and then slowly move on to upgrading to the rest of the building

Implement energy-saving program and raise awareness

Educate employees about the energy-saving program you are about to exercise for the common goal of saving costs and making the commercial premises greener and safer. Organize training or workshops to inform them about the importance of implementing the latest lighting technology and design in every business space. Likewise, if there has been installed a smart sensory automated system that automatically switches lights off and on in unoccupied spaces, this will minimize the human controls.

Conduct regular maintenance and inspection

To ensure absolute lighting efficiency in your commercial building, it’s of utmost importance to set up a diligent maintenance plan. This includes overseeing cleaning, inspecting the bulbs, conducting replacements, and constant performance monitoring. Cleaning is also essential. Regularly clean the lighting fixtures, bulbs, and reflective surfaces to always get perfect brightness. Next, replace any burn-up bulbs the second you spot them, and ensure your lighting systems operate undisturbed, enabling you to save money and energy.

Maximizing lighting efficiency in commercial buildings doesn’t only reduce your energy bill, but with regular maintenance, it helps contribute to a more sustainable future for employees.


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