From time immemorial, there have always been wellness trends; some short-lived, some permanent. In recent years, thanks to the Farm Bill of 2018, CBD has become a household name. It is arguably one of the most popular wellness trends in recent times.
There are many myths and facts about cannabidiol. So much so that some people call it the wonder drug. They posit that it cures all kinds of ailments; but is that true or false? The purpose of this article is to help you decipher the answer so stay with us as we proceed.
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD is a substance that is found in hemp and cannabis and the oil is an extract from it. The parts of the plant that produces this substance are the leaves and the flowers. This oil does not have the feature that makes users of marijuana high.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or simply THC is the substance that makes marijuana has psychoactive effect on users. But because cannabidiol oil is derived from hemp and cannabis, it doesn’t have this property. This therefore makes it a safe product for humans and animals too.
Check out this link for more details on the difference between hemp and marijuana:
Myths About Cannabidiol Oil
It Can Cure Every Ailment
There is the myth that this drug is a cure-all for whatever ails your canine friend but that’s not true. The fact is that this product interacts with the endocannabinoid of the dog to help it maintain good health.
Yes, it can help alleviate a host of symptoms but it has not been scientifically proven to ‘cure’ the ailments. Although it can help alleviate symptoms, it has not been scientifically proven to ‘cure’ the ailments. Taking your dog to the vet is essential to prevent it from developing serious illnesses. Additionally, investing in pet health insurance allows you to protect your beloved pet and can help alleviate some of the vet-related expenses.
It Makes User High
One of the myths about products extracted from the cannabis plant is that it makes users high. But the truth is that CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis sativa strain that doesn’t contain THC. As we mentioned briefly THC is the substance in marijuana that makes users high.
Every authentic full spectrum cannabidiol product contains a little quantity of THC. But by law, no product is allowed to have more than .3% of it. This minute quantity helps to contribute to the entourage effect of full spectrum cannabidiol oil but it doesn’t make the user high.
CBD Products Are Illegal
The reason why so many people are still wary about using CBD products is because of the stigma associated with cannabis. So for fear of being on the wrong side of the law, many steer clear of cannabis. But the good news is that cannabis has been legalised.
Better still CBD oil is a legally recognized wellness product and is safe to buy and use it.
You Can Use Any Cannabidiol Product For Your Pet
Although CBD oil and other products are good for both humans and animals (mammals), there are variations. There are cannabidiol for dogs and those for humans. Note that under no circumstance must you administer the oil meant for humans to your furry friend.
Cannabidiol Products Are Addictive
People are under the impression that any product that contains CBD is addictive. For this reason, they believe that their dog would become addicted to CBD oil or even worse become junkies.
This isn’t true! The only thing that this product does for your canine friend is to help its system to maintain a balance that enhances overall health and wellbeing.

Benefit Of Cannabidiol Oil For Dogs
Having noted the myths that we discussed above, we want to allay your fears by discussing the benefits of CBD oil. They are as follows:-
Reduces Anxiety
One may wonder how they would know that that their pet has anxiety issues; the following are some symptoms/behaviours to look out for:-
- Constant barking
- Indiscriminate defecating or peeing in the house.
- Chewing up shoes, furniture etc.
- Aggressive behaviour
- Tremor
If your dog exhibits any of the above, it might be time to reach for a tincture of cannabidiol oil. It would calm its nerves and help it to relax.
Helps To Reduce Inflammation and Relieve Pain
There are different things that can cause pain and inflammation and this drug can help alleviate it. It does this by stopping pain signals from getting to the animal’s brain. This is why we said that it is not a cure but an alleviation of the symptoms.
Some of the conditions that it can bring relief to include the following:-
- Arthritis
- Surgery after-pains
- Cancer treatments
- Torn ligament
- Hip dysplasia
- Strains or Sprains
Useful For The Treatment Of Epilepsy and Seizures
CBD is known to have anti-convulsing properties. It is useful for helping to control tics, tremors, seizures, and spasms. In fact, the only CBD infused drugs that are FDA approved are for the treatment of childhood epilepsy.
Usage And Dosage
New users are advised to start out the administration of Cannabidiol oil to their dogs in small doses. Start out small and see how your pet reacts to it; you can gradually increase the dosage if the reaction is positive.
It is suggested that you administer 2 to 4 drops, 2 to 4 times daily. Note however that dosage is also dependent on the weight and breed of the dog. That is why it is of utmost importance that you consult your vet doctor before starting out.
Watch this video to see how you can administer this oil to your pet.
Also visit Pet store online.
Now that you have seen the myths and facts about CBD oil for dogs, we believe that you now know better. We believe that this article has given you the basics to make an informed decision for your furry friend