Khula and Dissolution of Marriage in Islam:
If you wish to obtain the knowledge of dissolution of marriage in Islam and process of khula in Pakistan you may contact Jamila Law Associates. The Dissolution of Marriage in Pakistan is right of every female. The Most important thing is that the dissolution of marriage procedure in Pakistan is very simple and easy. Suit rightly decreed. The entire amount of Dower should be presumed to be payable on demand if it did not specify the mode of payment in Nikahnama or the marriage contract. It is not settled at the time of marriage whether Dower was prompt or deferred; according to Sunni Law, the same party would be prompt and partly deferred after dissolution of marriage in Islam and process of khula in Pakistan.
Dower Dates Back:
The origin of Dower dates back to the pre-Islamic era. Much before the pre-Islamic days, the husbands despoil/deflower their wives and then turn them out a drift, absolutely helpless and without any means to survive honorably. With the evaluation of the tribal system and when a little wisdom prevailed then, it became customary to fix some dower of the validity of the marriage in dissolution of marriage in Islam and process of khula in Pakistan. Still, for the enforcement of such right, the wife had no efficacious remedy.
Customary Obligation:
There was no binding custom/ sanction of any rule behind it; thus, his customary obligation was often disregarded without heck as the tribal system by then was unorganized, being bereft of codified regulations. On the advent and promulgation of Islam, this detestable practice was forbidden. It was declared unjust towards the fair sex, as is evident from the different verses of the Holy Qur’an in “Sure Nisa.” The amount of Dower is fixed either before or after marriage or dissolution of marriage in Islam and process of khula in Pakistan. It is an essential incident of the Muslim Law of marriage, is a stipulation on the part of the woman before marriage foregoes here right to Dower.
Process of Khula in Pakistan:
Regarding the dissolution of marriage in Islam and process of khula in Pakistan she would be entitled to customary Dower. Dower money is a debt payable to the wife, and the wife is within her legal right to press for its payment. What is Dower? Dower or Mohr is the sum of money or other property that the husband must pay to his wife. Dower is the consideration of a marriage contract and a token of care for a wife. No marriage can take place without fixing Dower.
Discharge Obligation:
Dower has to be paid by the wife to acquire religious merit and discharge an obligation or duty towards the wife. Dower is a debt, and the wife is entitled to receive the same creditor of her outstanding dues against her husband after dissolution of marriage in Islam and process of khula in Pakistan. Dower would become due soon after the marriage is consummated or the Nikah is solemnized Dower is a denomination of property, consideration of Mail’ which is paid, fixed or prescribed or undertaken to be paid to wife by husband at the time of marriage.” Dower essentially is the right of the wife and not her parents. Dower is an essential incident of the Muslim Law of marriage, so much so that even. Dower, stipulation or agreement will be invalid and ineffectual. She would be entitled to customary Dower after dissolution of marriage in Islam and process of khula in Pakistan. Dower or Mohr under Muhammadan Law is the sum of money or other property that the husband is obliged to pay.