When you have gift cards that you want to sell, you don’t want to waste your time trying to find the right way to sell them. You could try to sell them yourself, putting in the time and effort it requires to find a buyer. However, you can also skip all of these steps and sell any gift cards that you have directly to a gift card buying platform. GC Buying is the best choice if you want to sell gift cards in Nigeria, thanks to our service that has been designed with our customers in mind. We make the process smooth and ensure you get your money in a timely manner.
Use a Quick Service
If you want to sell your gift cards, don’t put up with any delays that might occur. You should be able to sell your gift cards quickly and get money for them in exchange without any problems. GC Buying makes it simple for you to submit information about a range of different gift cards for various brands and stores. We do all that we can to make the processing of your transaction as fast as possible so that you can get your money sooner. It will go straight into your fund, which can be immediately withdrawn to your bank account.
Find Out How Much You Get In Advance
Before you trade in a gift card, it’s important to know how much you will receive for it in return. You won’t be able to receive the full amount on the card, but you can redeem a large amount of the credit on it. You can easily find out how much you’re going to get from GC Buying before you decide to sell your gift card. Whether you are using our website or our mobile app, you can provide the necessary information about your card and see how much you will get to help you make a decision.
Download a Mobile App
Having a mobile app for selling gift cards in Nigeria makes it even easier. You simply need to download the app and then you can use it on your phone. The GC Buying app makes it easy to sell your gift cards using your preferred device. Choose from our Apple or Android app for your phone and use the app to do the same things that our website allows you to do. The app is secure and offers a great user experience.
Get Great Customer Service
If you have any problems when you’re selling your gift cards, you need to know that someone will be there to help you. Our team is available 24/7 so that you can contact us anytime that you need help. We make sure to provide excellent communication at all times so that you always have a channel to use when you have any questions, concerns, or comments. Just get in touch and we’ll be here to help.
Sell your gift cards in Nigeria using the GC Buying app or website for an easy way to do it.