Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing cavities and other teeth-related problems, including the replacement of missing teeth. Dentists’ services, such as making dental caps and fillings, may increase the aesthetics of your smile and improve tooth functionality. Here are some reasons you should contact a dentist for restoration services:

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

These are treatments carried out to restore teeth damaged by accidents or other dental issues, such as cavities. These operative procedures reconstruct and strengthen damaged teeth. Restorative procedures assist in maintaining natural teeth and decreasing the spread of cavities and other oral diseases to adjacent teeth. 

Common Restorative Procedures

Direct and indirect dental restorative procedures aim to improve dental health. A dentist performs direct tooth restoration procedures such as fillings to repair cavities. Indirect tooth restoration involves constructing dental implants or crowns outside the mouth before mounting them on your tooth. Here are some of the common dental restorative procedures:


Restoring missing teeth is a permanent treatment using cemented dental prostheses. Bridges consist of two crowns placed on the abutment teeth and artificial teeth to fill the space created by your missing teeth. Dental bridges are re-cemented after some time to protect against wear and tear from normal use.


Partial and complete dentures may restore the normal appearance and function of your smile. Complete dentures can replace both the upper and lower set of your teeth when all teeth are lost in a jaw. Partial dentures replace a few missing teeth and are clamped to your permanent teeth during installation. Dentures help patients speak and chew properly after losing their teeth to injury or decay. 

Root Canal

Root canal therapy is applicable when an infection or decay has damaged the nerve of a tooth. A root canal procedure replaces the damaged nerves and tissue with medicated dental materials. This procedure avoids removing a damaged tooth and may fully restore it.


Composite fillings repair holes in teeth caused by decay, cracks, or fractures. The decayed part of the tooth is drilled and filled with a tooth-colored material. Other filling materials, such as silver amalgam or ceramic, can work together with composite fillings when repairing teeth. Using composite fillings along with silver amalgam fillings provides strength and resistance for long-term cavity repair.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a cap that covers the whole tooth surface to restore it to its original form. It helps strengthen and protect the tooth structure repaired using fillings. Dental crowns also cover dental implants, hold a dental bridge, or protect a tooth restored by a root canal.

Restorative Care For Your Family

Measures such as proper dental hygiene and regular checkups assist in the early detection of dental diseases, including tooth decay. A proper home care dental plan includes eating balanced meals and reducing sugary snacks, which strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. Proper brushing and flossing reduce the chances of getting gum and teeth-related diseases, such as periodontitis.

Choosing a Local Dentist

Restorative dentistry helps to maintain oral health and enhance your smile. Whether you are missing a tooth or need to repair damaged teeth, visiting a dental clinic can help restore your teeth to their normal functionality. Schedule an appointment with your local dentist to help you improve your dental health.


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