You’re enjoying yourself sipping lemonade in the backyard on a warm spring day when you realize you have quite a few wasps flying around. While these pests don’t typically attack people, they will sting you if they feel threatened. If enough sting you or you’re allergic to wasps, then a sting can prove to be deadly. 

That’s why it’s not recommended to remove a wasps nest from your property yourself. So, what do you do for wasps nest removal? Read on below to find out. 

Find the Wasps Nest

While many homeowners go to this page for building and pest inspections, a wasps nest can form on your property even when you get a clean bill of health. 

If you suspect you have a nest on your property, you need to find the nest first. The easiest way to find the nest is to follow the flight pattern of the wasps from a distance. Never get too close to the nest or try removing a wasps nest yourself, as if the wasps feel threatened, they will attack as a group. 

Places where wasps like to build their nests include trees, lofts, under the eaves of your home, in garages and sheds, and even under the bottom of BBQ grills. 

It’s essential to be able to identify the wasp’s nest for what it is, as some other insects, such as hornets, look the same. 

Removal Methods to Avoid

There are a few removal methods for wasps nest that you need to avoid. One of those methods is trying to burn the nest. A wasps nest is made out of a papery substance that can quickly go up in flames causing damage to your buildings and property. 

Never get onto a ladder and try to take a wasps nest down either, as the insects will come out to attack, and you could easily fall and become injured or worse.

Never pour water onto a wasps nest because the insects will come out to sting you when they realize the nest is flooding. 

Refrain from hitting the nest with bats, sticks, or any other object. The wasps will feel threatened and become very aggressive to protect the nest and their queen. Also, if you’re allergic to wasps or enough of them sting you, it could end badly. 

Using a flashlight to help you see when removing the nest can also make the wasps aggressive, so refrain from this as well. 

It’s best to avoid any of the wasp removal methods above, so you may be wondering what the best option is when you find a nest on your property. The answer is to call professional pest control services to take care of the problem for you.

Call Professional Services for Wasps Nest Removal!

This is just a little of what you need to know about removing a wasps nest from your property. Remember, a wasp sting can be deadly, so calling in reputable pest control is the best course of action.

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