Author: Kaitlister11

About 3.3 million Americans are diagnosed with basal and squamous cell carcinomas every year. Dealing with skin cancer is scary, but if you have a rare type of cancer, it can be an even more intimidating diagnosis. It’s one of those things that is extremely common, yet many people don’t think it’ll ever happen to them. The good news is, however, that we can treat many skin cancer types with Mohs procedure. This is a medical procedure that your dermatologist can help you with if you’re dealing with certain types of skin cancer. But, what is Mohs Surgery, and would you…

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If you have a company, you’ll understand that keeping employees happy is key to success. One way to keep employees happy involves investing in office amenity trends. An interactive survey indicated that only 45% of workers across America were satisfied with their jobs. Satisfaction relates to employee feeling around the workplace, influencing their need to stay. You could change that by investing in attractive office amenity trends. Benefits of having unique office facilities include solving employee stress and making the workplace attractive. In retrospect, the employees tend to be more productive, essentially growing the business. You’d want that, right? If…

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Are you confused about some of the landscaping advice you’ve received? There’s a lot of conflicting information out there that adds to the confusion. There are over 615 thousand landscaping services businesses in the US, and not all of them are equal. Some local landscapers focus on plant health. An inexperienced lawn care company might want curb appeal, forgetting practicality. Here are some of the best landscaping myths that exist today, with an explanation to help you understand why they aren’t true. Composters Are Smelly If you have a compost pile that smells, it’s not working. Be sure to alternate layers of green with dried…

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If you’re looking for an all-natural plant-based medicine to help your mind, there’s one shrub you might be overlooking. As a shrub related to the pepper family and native to the Pacific islands, it’s been integral to the physical and mental health of those cultures for hundreds of years. The root of the plant is traditionally used to make a beverage that is said to have sedative and euphoric effects. Today, we’re going to dig deep into some of the biggest kava benefits. Although there is lots of promising research being done on the kava plant, it should be said…

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If you are looking to give your home a fresh new look with a lick of paint, you are most certainly not the only one. The amount that Americans are currently spending on home improvement is skyrocketing, as more of us spend time at home with our newfound appreciation for beautiful, relaxing living spaces. If you’re looking to improve your curb appeal and make your house feel like a brand new home, home painting is the most impactful thing you can do. House painting will dramatically alter the look and feel of your home so that you can mold your…

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In 2020, more people purchased homes than any other year since 2006. And, even this year, the housing market isn’t slowing down much. But why are so many people packing up and moving homes? The driving force for many individuals was the pandemic. For example, some people needed more space for schooling or remote work. Meanwhile, others lost their jobs and had to relocate. But, not all moves are motivated by the pandemic. So, why do people move? This post will consider some of the most common reasons to move, so keep reading to find out what they are! 1.…

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The consumption of Philly cheesesteaks skyrocketed by almost 30% over the last year. It’s no wonder why, these delicious meat and cheese sandwiches have the toast of the town in every town since they were invented around a century ago on the streets of South Philadelphia. The way they masterfully combined meat, cheese, onion, and bread has made the Philly cheesesteak a staple of American cuisine. But what makes a great Philly cheesesteak? What goes into a Philly cheesesteak recipe to set it apart from its brother sandwiches? How do you tell good Philly cheesesteak meat from bad? You came to…

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Do you enjoy working with your hands? Do you hope to start your own business, where you get to design and make products with your own two hands, unleashing your inner artist? Well, you can start a stuffed toy business. Stuffed toys are just as popular as they have always been – and they will always be in demand, thanks to a never-ending stream of babies and children. Every kid needs at least one stuffed toy, so whether you plan to produce generic stuffed toys by the thousands, or sell hand-made, unique stuffed toys, you can carve out a little corner…

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Considering that there are 30.2 million businesses around the United States, you might wonder how many of them are dedicated to renewable energy. As time goes on and climate change becomes worse, you might be feeling obligated to choose energy companies that are smart with the climate. How are energy companies moving toward renewable energy and how will it help? Read this article on how companies are doing just that and receive peace of mind when you do choose an energy company for business today. Lower Carbon Emissions Many large companies in the energy industry with members such as Prabir…

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Did you know that kids in the United States are spending around 7 hours each day in front of a screen? Whether they are on a tablet or watching TV, children are less engaged in their surroundings. If you want to create a healthy environment for your child to thrive in, you must design their rooms with thought. Continue reading to discover the best tips for designing your child’s bedroom that they will love! Come Up with Ideas The first step in designing your child’s bedroom should be to brainstorm different ideas. By looking at Pinterest, online, or talking to…

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