Author: Salman Ahmad

I am Salman Ahmad an Engineer by choice, Blogger, YouTuber, and an Entrepreneur by passion. I love technology in my day to day life and loves writing Tech Articles on Latest Technology, Cyber Security, Internet Security, SEO and Digital Marketing. Blogging is my passion and I own some popular sites,,,, &

Many brides choose to have one or more flower girls in their wedding party and the girls bring charm and additional beauty to the wedding party. We would like to see more brides include ringbearers to their wedding and double the cuteness factor. Everyone loves to see the little flower girls walk down the aisle ahead of the bride. One can always hear the “oohs and aahs” when these little darlings make their grand entrance. Instead of the best man just pulling the rings out of his pocket, think of how much nicer it would be to have a little…

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Do you want to quit your “work from home” job? Well, you are not the first one. With the rising popularity of remote jobs, it means that most individuals are likely to send their job resignation letters online. And if you are one of them, do not be overwhelmed since we got you covered in this article. How to quit your remote job Plan a meeting with your employer at least fourteen days out When you are ready to tell your boss that you want to quit your job, plan a meeting with them either on a phone call, in-person,…

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Main Text Christian mental health treatment centers are designed to be a place of transformation, personal growth and restoration. Christian psychologists or therapists provide the support that is needed in order for clients to overcome issues such as depression, anxiety disorders and addiction problems. Treatments vary depending on which state you live in, but usually involve individual therapy sessions once per week along with group activities including bible study classes led by pastors who specialize not just in counseling skills but also in biblical teachings. Christian mental health treatment centers help bring people closer together through their emphasis on sharing…

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The pandemic and resultant unemployment are making people consider health insurance than ever before. Loss of a job comes with the loss of health insurance too if you got it through the employer in the first place. Fortunately, you can keep yourself safe from unexpected medical bills if you join a medical cost sharing program. This plan comes with significant benefits compared to regular health insurance. Image credit: How does medical cost sharing work This program is a group of people who come together to share medical expenses. The inspiration for this is in the Book of Acts where…

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Nowadays, property values have reached the sky, and most people can afford only a small and compact home. A home needs to accommodate all essentials required by the family members to keep them comfortable. When it comes to a small compact home, it is difficult to accommodate all types of furniture as it overcrowds the room and reduces the walking space. It is challenging to furnish a living room in a compact home without wasting space. One has to use smart ideas such as folding doors to open space and remove barriers and thoughtful furniture placement to make a tiny…

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Hiring a consultant to help your business make better, make more profitable decisions about its future is a smart move. Let’s face it; nobody knows everything about running a business. Most entrepreneurs out there are taking chances blindly; some get lucky, others fail. Business consultants don’t stop a business owner from taking chances. They encourage them. However, they minimize the risks involved by employing extensive research techniques, analytics, and business models. Here are some things every potential client should be aware of before deciding on a consultant for their business. Success Rate Matters More Than You Might Think Regardless of…

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Nothing is more devastating than finding yourself being accused of a crime that you have not committed and the best way of dealing with this situation is by finding the top criminal lawyer in Singapore. Only a qualified and experienced lawyer can defend you in court so that you don’t face the hassles of dealing with the lengthy court proceedings. Additionally, a criminal case will mean that you will have to face the risks of court sentences, fines and penalties and only a criminal lawyer can save you from all these problems. Therefore, hiring the best criminal lawyer is extremely…

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If losing weight is on your to-do list, then you most probably know what keto diets are all about. These are diets that emphasize eating foods rich in proteins and fats, with minimal carbohydrates. This forces the body to obtain about 90% of calories and energy from the fat, in a process known as ketosis. The fats are converted into ketones which in turn fuel the body. It is common knowledge that the amount of fats in one’s body is among the determinants of whether one is overweight or not. Therefore, when ketosis happens and the fats in your body…

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Serious Sam 4 is a prequel to the trilogy of shooters about an alpha male who does not take off his dark glasses and rarely leaves his minigun for more than five minutes. The previous part of the series was released nine years ago, so the new Serious Sam was expected almost as much as Duke Nukem Forever once was . These games have a lot in common, but there is also an important difference: today, Duke has been forgotten, and old Sam is still in business and working on HuniePop 2. And the secret here is that the authors of Serious Sam know the motto “Adapt or die.” The…

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The world of smartphones is changing at such a fast pace that it has become a grueling task to decide which device to purchase. Our smartphones are tucked away in our pockets during the day and under our pillows while we are in deep slumber. These devices have become very important since they are how we remain connected with one another by utilizing the internet and the various applications powered by it. Selecting the right device can be a complicated or a simple choice with your budget being the main determining factor that limits your options. We all want a…

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