Do you want to quit your “work from home” job? Well, you are not the first one. With the rising popularity of remote jobs, it means that most individuals are likely to send their job resignation letters online. And if you are one of them, do not be overwhelmed since we got you covered in this article.

How to quit your remote job

Plan a meeting with your employer at least fourteen days out

When you are ready to tell your boss that you want to quit your job, plan a meeting with them either on a phone call, in-person, or through a video to break the news to them. You should always be ready to move out of the company, be thankful for your colleagues, so plan a courtesy discussion with your boss.

Also, you need to talk about your intention to move out of the company and tell your boss when your final date –customarily two weeks. Ensure to follow up indicating your formal notice with appreciative thanks, any key deliverables, and the final date.

Write a resignation email.

If your company’s working strategy does not involve an entire lot of in-person conversation, writing an email is the most convenient way to tell your boss you want to quit the job. You should also be sure you are writing the email to your direct manager and have a carbon copy to other members of management, including the human resource manager.

Tips to writing a perfect resignation email

• Avoid accidentally sending viral content

Always remember that your email will pass through various people in the management, including the human resource manager and the managing director, depending on your job title. So make sure that it reflects well on yourself, and it should not affect other employees. Sending an incredibly written email to your employer, breaking down everything you have ever wanted to say but lacking the courage, might be very tempting, but the internet never forgets. And your parting shot content might easily go viral that immortalizes you online.

• Provide all the information they need to know

Since the resignation letter is the formal notice, add all the essential information, including all the projects you want to finish up before you quit, the last date, and also include your appreciation for the time you have been working for the company. Unlike receiving a video chat or a call, offering your employer a notice through the email gives you extra time to write exactly what is needed and the space to consider feedback and answer questions they ask back.

How can I quit my job over the phone?

Before calling your manager, you should first have an idea of exactly what you want to say. Make a list of your prep points to keep you on track. This list will help you soothe your nervousness, stay focused and will help to make your manager less harsh.

Sometimes it is emotional to write the notice of leaving a work from home job; you might be frustrated, angry, or sad. You will often hope your boss is really committed to you and your potential career. No matter the situation, always remember that the parting shot in your life is the beginning of the next step.


I am Salman Ahmad an Engineer by choice, Blogger, YouTuber, and an Entrepreneur by passion. I love technology in my day to day life and loves writing Tech Articles on Latest Technology, Cyber Security, Internet Security, SEO and Digital Marketing. Blogging is my passion and I own some popular sites,,,, &

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