Today’s gen fortunately is extremely woke about mental health. Most of us, at some point in our lives go through some mental health challenges, like anxiety, depression, peer pressure, stress, and so much more. Things are now worse than ever, especially after the covid lockdown that restricted physical meetings. But the good thing is, people today, are more aware of the importance of mental health than ever. This makes things slightly easier to cope with such challenges.

The internet is filled with statistics, regarding depression, and other mental health problems, but quoting from WHO, depression is a common mental disorder, and globally, over 264 million people of all ages suffer from the same. Depression can make one suicidal and is a leading cause of disability. Also, it is a major contributor to the overall global burden of diseases. In fact, more women are depressed than men.

Among all the negative hindsight, something positive WHO states is that there are effective psychological and pharmaceutical treatments for moderate and severe depression.

Reflecting on what WHO said, I have crafted this think-piece for you, enlisting tips to help cope with depression.

1.    Consider Therapy

I am not an expert and neither is any other author on the internet but an actual therapist. The most successful way of coping with depression is therapy or counseling. The most successful way of coping with depression is anxiety and depression counseling or therapy.

No matter how much I write, I don’t know you in person and there is no standard list of things to do for depressed people.

Depression, in fact, is quite personal and the reasons can be quite different for different people. That being said, when you share your thoughts with your therapist without any filter, he/she can suggest customized activities for you that will help accelerate your healing process.

2.    Maintain a self-help journal

Your own thoughts are your worst enemy during depression but in today’s self-driven world, you cannot share your thoughts, unbiasedly, with anyone – not even to your closest friends and family.

We all fear judgment and don’t know to expose our vulnerable side to anyone. But you know who will listen to your thoughts, without judgment, without opinions, and will keep your thoughts safe, always? Your journal.

Getting into a habit of writing daily can help you greatly. Just make sure you write everything that’s running in your mind, however dark it might be.

3.    Boost your low self-esteem

The most common impact of depression is low self-esteem. You start thinking you are not worthy of anyone’s love or liking for literally no fault of yours. But if you take conscious efforts to boost your self-image, it can help you cope with depression greatly.

Boosting your self-image can be done in thoughts, in actions, and most importantly, by making lifestyle changes. Include positive lifestyle changes in your daily life, like eating healthy, working out daily, vacationing, and spending time with quality people.

4.    Follow a routine

Most people also start feeling demotivated due to their continuous depressing thoughts. It is now more than ever that you must create a routine and strictly follow it. At these times of crisis, when you feel lost and directionless, a routine will push you to complete your daily chores.

In fact, depressed people who do not follow a routine often feel unproductive which can further lead to self-doubt and low self-esteem.  

5.    Use CBD oil

Cannabidiol is a promising treatment for both, depression and anxiety. CBD Oil has proved to help so many people overcome their depression and anxiety.

This is because CBD oil has the ability to act on the brain’s receptors, for serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and behavior. However, the dosage of the same should be discussed with a medical expert to make sure you don’t suffer from its side effects.

Over to you…

Depression is as real as human life and the above points will help you cope with the same. However, if you feel nothing is working, consult a therapist. Remember, there’s no shame in it. Just like you consult a doctor for physical concerns, you consult a therapist for all your mental or emotional concerns.    


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